Open Source
These products are free and open source on

Office Visits Logbook Plugin for WordPress
Your company is still using paper log sheets for office visitors? Everything is digital and paperless now. Being paperless can also save trees and protect the environment. We provide you an efficient plugin for your company office visitors to sign in and sign out. Data is saved in the same MySQL database for your WordPress website.

Multi Days Events and Multi Events in One Day Calendar
Every company needs a calendar on the WordPress website. This plugin shows a calendar to website visitors. This plugin is very easy to use. In WordPress admin page, what you see is what website visitors will see. Of course, website visitors can only see your schedule. They can not change your schedule. Database is MySQL.

Dragon Ecommerce Plugin for WordPress
Every company needs an ecommerce plugin to sell products on the WordPress website. This plugin sells your products to website visitors. This plugin is very easy to use. In WordPress admin page, click setting and click “Dragon Ecommerce”, you will go to the plugin setting page. Website visitors can order your products online.

Dragon Ecommerce Reserve Plugin Without Online Payment for WordPress
Every company needs an ecommerce plugin to sell products on the WordPress website. This plugin sells your products to website visitors without online payment. This plugin is very easy to use. In WordPress admin page, click setting and click “Dragon Ecommerce Reserve”, you will go to the plugin setting page. Website visitors can reserve your products online without online payment. Then they can go to your store to buy it or use other ways to buy.

Expenses Book Plugin for WordPress
You want to record your expenses history in a 100% private and 100% safe place? You do not want to use the cloud because it’s not 100% private and 100% safe. We provide you a plugin to give you 100% privacy and 100% safety for your expenses records. You can install this plugin on your website in a company intranet or as your own computer’s localhost.